The Johannesburg Toastmasters Club 113, Area L3, District 74 is the oldest Toastmasters Club now outside North America chartered by Harry Olden in 1950, a member of the first Canadian Toastmasters Club.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we had adapted our meetings to be hosted on Zoom. As we enter an era of post-Covid 19, we have moved towards hybrid meetings where members may join via Zoom or attend in person a the Johannian Club, St Johns Road, Upper Houghton. The Club is situated in St John’s College grounds. A map of how to get to the school can be found here. Our meetings are on the First and Third Wednesday of each month, from 19:00 to 21:00. For those who prefer to attend virtually, a Zoom link will be shared with them via email before the meeting by Des Smith.
In person meeting involve breaks for a meal, available at the full bar at St. Johns College, where meals range in price around R100.