Johannesburg Toastmasters 20 April 2016

The Johannesburg Toastmasters has hosted once again another successful evening of riveting speeches. There were 6 Competent Communicator (CC) speeches spread across the CC manual. Ranging from two CC1’s from Mahdiyyah Moola and Andreas Poppmeier to two CC4’s from Rohan Dullabh and Elmarie Papageorgiou to a CC6 from Mpendulo Mabuza and concluded by a CC9 from Thokozani Miya. The topics were engaging and kept the members engaged through out the night.  The word of the evening was “Recalcitrant”, which means ‘having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline’. The toast of the day was proposed by Luther Feros, and he gave a toast to the new found opportunity provided to South Africa’s previous Finance Minster ‘Nhlanhla Nene’. The Grizzly Bear was awarded to Koketso Moroka for her participation at the meeting in more than one role.



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