Club History

The Johannesburg Toastmasters Club is the oldest club in Africa. We were sponsored by the First Canadian Toastmasters club over 50 years ago. Harry Olden, a member of the first Canadian Toastmasters Club, formed the club when he was working in Johannesburg. In 1950 the club was formally chartered. From that beginning, there are now nearly 200 clubs that comprise District 74, which covers 12 countries in Southern Africa.

The secret of the clubs survival has been in its ability to change its constitution over time to meet the demands of its members.

Our club is unique as we have a formal but fun environment and we also have a tradition such as the awarding of a Grizzly Bear trophy at the end of each meeting. This trophy was presented to our club by our sponsoring club in Canada.

Over the years many highly successful people have completed Toastmasters International Communication and Leadership programs through our club.