Johannesburg Toastmasters meeting – 22 January 2014

We kicked off 2014 with the theme of the evening being “The time is now”. The atmosphere at the club was electric as we had a packed agenda as well as some enthusiastic guests. Christian got us going with the Toast of the Day, followed by a gripping toast to Toastmasters International by Di Sharp. Our Toastmaster of the evening was Des Smith who guided us through as successful club meeting.
Johannesburg ToastMasters

We had two prepared speeches for the evening, which were successfully completed as follows:
1. CC4 “Attainable” by Di Sharp and evaluated by Dick Hallett.
2. CC5 “David and Goliath” by Christian Nyakanyanga and evaluated by Luther Feros.


As part of our clubs own goal setting, Di Sharp took us through an Educational were we reviewed and chose Educational’s as well as Competent Leader requirements for the coming year.

We also had an opportunity to have a look at the new club website as presented by Christian Nyakanyanga. It was agreed that a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section will be added and these will be determined by club members through a Table Topics exercise.

Our guests also had the opportunity to get a taste of Toastmasters during our table topics segment. Our Table Topics Master Dick Hallett introduced us to not well known sayings that we had to speak on and he would let us know at the end how close we were to understanding them (only one person got it right).

Grizzly AwardingThe grizzly bear was awarded to Christian Nyakanyanga for his participation at the meeting by giving a speech, working on the website and being the grammarian.




Johannesburg Toastmasters Club: Where Leaders Are Made.

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