Johannesburg Toastmasters meeting – 5 February 2014

“Persistence beats Resistance” was the theme of the night for our meeting held on the 5th of February 2014. Dick Hallet got the ball rolling by proposing the toast of the day “Realistic Goals”, encouraging us to set realistic goals for the year ahead.  This was followed by an insightful toast to Toastmasters International by Luther Feros our Vice President of Education.

Once again we had a packed club and agenda as well as the privilege of hosting two guests, Kanyiswa and Elija.

Johannesburg Toastmasters

Our club President Di Sharp was the Toastmaster of the evening and guided us through 3 successful prepared speeches as well as an educational.

The prepared speeches were completed as follows:

  1. AC – (Storytelling) by Des Smith titled “Wolverhampton” and evaluated by Di Sharp
  2. CC6 –( Vocal Variety )by Christian Nyakanyanga  titled “The Hammer” and evaluated by Jim Connolly
  3. AC – (Interpretive Reading) by Luther Feros  titled “Don’t Grow Old Grow UP” and evaluated by Dick Hallett

After a light dinner break were we got to know our guests a bit more, we moved on to the educational prepared by Christian Nyakanyanga.  “Know your audience” was the title of the educational and Christian gave us some handy tips and advice on how to better know your audience in order to deliver a better speech.

The grizzly bear was awarded to Christian Nyakanyanga for his participation at the meeting by giving a speech and doing his first educational.

Our next meeting is going to be held on the 19th of January 2014.

Some highlights to look forward to at our next meeting are:

  • An educational about the International Speaking Contest by Dick Hallet.
  • Prepared speeches by Luther, Jim and Christian.

 Johannesburg Toastmasters Club: Where Leaders Are Made.

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